Feeding Matters Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire©

For Early Approaches To Identifying Challenges with Nutrition, Feeding, and Growth

Welcome to the Feeding Matters Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire©. If you have concerns about your child’s feeding, please know that you are not alone. Early detection and treatment of feeding problems are critical to the long-term health and well-being of affected children.

Feeding Matters is currently working with experts to develop the Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire©, an evidence-based tool which may be used to promote early identification of feeding disorders and provides a method for referral of at-risk infants and children to appropriate care. You can help us in our efforts to do this by providing some additional personal information. Your participation will ultimately help other families like yours.

This questionnaire has been developed by internationally-recognized feeding experts to help you better understand your child’s feeding habits. By completing this questionnaire you will learn about typical feeding development, identify if there are any areas of concern regarding your child’s feeding, and be provided a method for discussing any concerns with your child’s physician.

Please note that you will be directed to an age-specific questionnaire, based upon the birth date of your child. If your child was born prematurely (by definition of the American Academy of Pediatrics, less than 37 weeks gestation), the system will correct for your child’s prematurity (you will not need to do this correction yourself). Questionnaires are available according to age groups, up through 36 months. After 36 months, all feeding skills should be mature. Therefore, if your child is older than 36 months, you will be directed to the questionnaire that was developed for children 36 months of age.

Please complete the information below to begin.

The questionnaire will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Child’s Birthday

The Day field is required.

The Year field is required.


Please be aware that sudden changes in your child’s behavior or feeding could be due to a serious illness. Immediately consult your health care provider if you notice such changes. This questionnaire is not designed to provide guidance on management of these types of problems.